This page has some sample charts. I use this largely as a way to tell if things are working or not. Most bug reports end up in this file.
(with-chart (:pie 300 200) (add-slice "A" 5.0d0) (add-slice "B" 2.0d0) (save-file "minimal-pie-chart-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:pie 300 200) (loop for (label value) in '(("A" 400) ("B" 217) ("C" 212.5) ("D" 350) ("E" 1000)) do (add-slice label value)) (save-file "larger-pie-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:line 300 200) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 19) (3 17))) (set-axis :y "Bang") (set-axis :x "Buck") (save-file "minimal-line-chart-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:line 400 300 :background '(.7 .5 .7)) (add-series "A" '((-.1 -.2) (0 .4) (.1 .5) (.4 .6) (.5 -.3))) (add-series "B" '((-.1 .4) (0 -.2) (.1 .6) (.5 -.2) (.6 .5))) (add-series "C" '((-.1 0) (0 .3) (.1 .1) (.2 .5) (.4 -.6)) :color '(.3 .7 .9)) (set-axis :y "widgets" :label-formatter "~,2F") (set-axis :x nil :label-formatter #'(lambda (v) ;;could do something more interesting here (format nil "~,1F" (expt 2 v)))) (save-file "larger-line-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:bar 300 200) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 19) (3 17))) (set-axis :y "Bang") (set-axis :x "Buck") (save-file "minimal-bar-chart-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:bar 600 400) (flet ((random-data (min max) (loop for i from 0 to 48 collect (list i (+ min (random (float (- max min)))))))) (add-series "A" (random-data 0 100)) (add-series "B" (random-data -100 100)) (add-series "C" (random-data -50 50)) (add-series "D" (random-data -100 0)) (add-series "E" (random-data -75 75))) (set-axis :y nil :draw-zero-p T) (set-axis :x nil :data-interval 1) (save-file "too-many-bars-vecto.png"))
(with-chart (:star-rating 300 60) (set-rating 4.5) (save-file "star-rating.png"))
(with-chart (:line 400 300) (add-series "test" '((1 0.0) (2 2.0) (3 3.0) (4 1.5)) :color '(0 0 1)) (set-axis :y "amount" :label-formatter "~,2f") (set-axis :x "days" :data-interval 1 :label-formatter (lambda (v) (format nil "~d" (round v)))) (save-file "mackey.png"))
This came from a bug report from Stuart Mackey.
These charts are too big for google to generate.
(let ((width 1264) (height 632)) (with-chart (:line width height) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 6) (3 17))) (add-series "25" '((0 25) (3 25))) (set-axis :y "Rank") (set-axis :x "" :data-interval 1) (save-file "seibel-1.png")) (with-chart (:line width height) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 19) (3 17))) ;(add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 6) (3 17))) (add-series "25" '((0 25) (3 25))) (set-axis :y "Rank") (set-axis :x "" :data-interval 1) (save-file "seibel-2.png")))
This came from a bug report from Peter Seibel.
(with-gchart (:pie 300 200) (add-slice "A" 5.0d0) (add-slice "B" 2.0d0) (add-features :label) (save-file "minimal-pie-chart-google.png"))
(with-gchart (:v-bar 300 200) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 19) (3 17))) (set-axis :y "Bang") (set-axis :x "Buck") (add-feature :label) (save-file "minimal-bar-chart-google.png"))
(with-gchart (:pie-3d 400 200) (add-slice "foo" 10d0) (add-slice "bar" 10d0) (add-slice "baz" 20d0) (add-features :label) (save-file "pie-3d-google.png"))
(dolist (chart-type '(:v-bar :h-bar :v-gbar)) (with-gchart (chart-type 400 300) (add-series "A" '((-1 -2) (0 4) (1 5) (4 6) (5 -3))) (add-series "B" '((-1 4) (0 -2) (1 6) (5 -2) (6 5)) :color (make-color "ff0000")) (add-features :label) (add-title chart-type) (save-file (format nil "bar-chart-google-~a.png" chart-type))))
(with-gchart (:line 300 200) (add-series "Rank" '((0 10) (1 18) (2 19) (3 17))) (set-axis :y "Bang") (set-axis :x "Buck") (add-feature :label) (save-file "minimal-line-chart-google.png"))
Date: 2009-08-25 13:12:59
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